Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thoughts From People Around Me And Poeple All Over My Country And World ^^

Here are some of the thoughts from people from other websites that I posted a message to fellow Kpop lovers to answer to my call and unite. When i just asked them to simply say that they love kpop they have come up with their own opinion on the matter, and what happened with the people around them when they let the word out that they like Kpop. ><
Here they are and no i wont reveal if they are girls or guys but theses are their onest opinion and no i did not change their words ^^

"so you want me to go and tell everyone how great kpop is? no probs ;) i'm ready to go and scream all over my country how kpop is the best :P"

"Houston, Texas. umm i like a few groups but i treat it just like any other genre. i think the fans can be annoying and they glorify the idols and Korean culture when in reality both things are far from perfect or even that great. i think most other people aren't very interested in it because it's in a language they don't understand, but i don't mind because i like music no matter what language it's in.

"[I'm from Metro Detroit, MI and I love kpop. Yeah, I catch a lot of grief for it from other kids who really don't understand (and don't want to) but really I could care less. Kpop artists are very young, talented people who've worked and trained years to get where they are and it shows.]"

"I know other kids go with the main stream American pop music but k pop is a pretty unique genre. Lots of people call kpop gay or stupid because of how artists look or fanservice. I think that's bs LOL"

"[Portland, Oregon and I love Kpop. My best friend and I listen all the time. We get a lot of weird looks from people, but we go to a small school where most people are ok with each other so it's not like we're outcasts or looked down upon. But, it would be nice if more people realized how much Kpop is expanding in popularity.]"

"Las Vegas, Nevada. I love K pop my best friend and I always listen to it when we hang out. At school people think we're weird for liking K pop but we don't care. I would totally love it if more people would listen to it because half the music in the US doesn't appeal to me and isn't as awesome as K pop"

"Knoxville, Tennessee. Kpop is the best thing ever! It's not only the people and the music, but the industry and the way it works. I have a few friends who listen to it, but it's hard to get people to listen to it. I think its' not that people hate it; it's just that they can't look past the fact that they don't understand the language or what's going on, so they miss the meaning and the awesomeness of it."

"Melbourne,Victoria,AUSTRALIA!!! I love Kpop, but it did take me time to love it. Probably the same with most people, you just have to give it time to love something new and after a few days of listening to Kpop, I loved it more than any other genres. At my school Kpop is as well known as any other genres which is great because i have many friends who like Kpop. So as you can see... I LOVE KPOP."

"Portland, Oregon, USA~ I love KPop so much, it's become literally my life. It was an almost instantaneous interest for me when i first encountered it. It has never ceased to bring me joy and great pleasure <3"

"Malaysia (yep, surprised? ;D), I love K-pop, it supports me through hardships, no kidding. SuperJunior was de 1st group I ever knew, and yep, I recognized all 13 people on FIRST shot. *proud look* I listen to my favorite songs at de moment every morning before exam, and I remain top x) (YESH! It has EVERYTHING to do with K-pop =P)For people who tell me 'hey! that guy's ugly' at first look, I've something to tell : GET LOST HATER! We.Don't.Love.'Em.For.Only.Their.Looks, shallow! =P"

"I'm from Jakarta, Indonesia :)
I love Kpop! at first, not many people like it, but then it spreads out like wild fire somehow. i was amazed by it's growth and now some people are imitating kpop artists which shows kpop's popularity :)"

Please look forward to more comments when i start adding them :) And If you read this and want to contribute make a comment doing the same thing the people up here did and then i will add it to this list ^^ Hurray for believers around! "Fighting!"

THIS IS THE MOST EPIC COMMENT I GOT AND I AM PROUD TO POST IT ON HERE BECAUSE ITS THE MOST TRUE!!! I lost the direct comment some where on tumblr *mumbles* but i remember the words because they are so epic so yeah I'm still mad at my tumblr. :)
"I think people from should be quiet because if there is one language that is ever were its, English. And on thing about this world is that even if it is every were it is not our native language and we don't learn it from when we are children because we learn our native tongue first. Some of us don't even know English but we wished we did. And one thing is right is that English songs play everywhere and we listen. Just because its the dominating language. Because every one else is doing it. But if you think about it half the people in different countries, listening have no idea what is going on. They don't understand the words or lyrics, but still they judge of us who listen to kpop and how we don't understand them. Real question is what about you? You listen to American music but yet you still don't speak English. You say I want to learn English because you like their music or you wanna achieve in places were English is most talked. Well we do too. We have a right to idolize our idols and worship them just as you do to the American one's. Who is to say what is the propped language to listen to, when half the people in the world chose to listen to another's music and not understand. So why judge us the Kpop lovers, when you can judge the rest of the world."

This person is just...... *cries* this was my reaction when i saw this
And i tried to keep my poker face

but then


Gongchan started crying when they talked about their parents. He really miss his parents and his grandparents.
you are forever mine comment i will never let you go

But it did boost my self esteem to tell every one this

So thank you for that one comment

For that i shall feed you..... *poker face*

Not really this what I'll do...


Forever flailing.

But still thank you

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